Big Data Architecture

Big Data Architecture

Big Data provides us with the ability to analyze information and react on scales we’ve never seen before. However, these new benefits generate new challenges. The ability to move, store, ingest, and consume data is what will determine success for your Big Data initiative.

The challenges facing organizations attempting to implement a Big Data solution are extensive and without the right guidance or partnership can result in a less than optimal solution. There are three major challenges we see facing organizations looking to implement a Big Data Solution:

  • Amount of Data
  • Maximize Investments
  • Overall Architecture

At the root of the issue is the amount of data being captured and stored. As the amount of captured information is growing, the need to analyze and view that data is growing. This requirement puts an unbelievable amount of pressure on the way you capture, ingest, consume, and store data.

The second challenge is the need to integrate any new solution into the existing architecture and maximize investments. Due to budget and resource constraints, there is accountability to ensure today’s solution has sustainability in years to come and can integrate into a heterogeneous environment.

The final challenge is overall architecture. The need to have someone who can assist with looking at the problem holistically is crucial to delivering a solution that is successful and sustainable. No longer can you afford to have specialized partners only looking at one area of the overall problem. The challenges today require partners who can speak to the overall solution and deliver technologies that fully enable complete the mission.

VetDS overcomes these challenges by designing and architecting solution sets built on hardware and software purpose built to convert real-time data into meaningful information. In order to convert Big Data into actionable intelligence you have to consider the bigger picture in the management of the data.

You must consider:

  • Bandwidth
  • Reliability
  • Availability
  • Manageability
  • Scalability

VetDS has partnered with industry leading experts to bring a solid solution and ultimately overcome the challenges of Big Data. VetDS is your Big Data partner that can deliver a solution that covers you from tactical deployments to long term strategic initiatives.